소개:On October 15, 1988, Notre Dame hosted the University of Miami in what would become one of the greatest games in college football history. It was tradition vs. swagger, the No. 4-ranked Fighting Irish versus the No. 1-ranked Hurricanes, one coaching star, Lou Holtz, versus another, Jimmy Johnson. But the name still attached to the contest came from a t-shirt manufactured by a few Notre Dame students: “Catholics vs. Convicts.” As compelling as the tale of Notre Dame’s dramatic victory is—even losing quarterback Steve Walsh calls it “a helluva ballgame”—the backstory is just as riveting.
소개:경제적 붕괴로 도시 전체가 무너진 후 홀로 남겨진 펀. 추억이 깃든 도시를 떠나 작은 밴과 함께 한 번도 가보지 않은 낯선 길 위의 세상으로 떠난다. 그곳에서 펀은 각자의 사연을 가진 노매드들을 만나게 되고, 광활한 자연과 길 위에서의 삶을 스스로 선택한 그들과 만나고 헤어지며 다시 살아가기 위한 여정을 시작하는데…