소개:30-year-old Anita needs to go back to age 15 to try to fix the life of her sister, Luiza. However, Joel has hacked her Floguinho account and has also become a time traveler. After a disastrous day of meddling in everyone’s lives, Anita returns to 2021 only to discover her perfect day in Paris with Henrique no longer happened. Everything is different. What now? Anita and Joel need to join forces and put everything back on track and fix the future. In the midst of all this, she still has to decide who she wants to stick with: the romantic Henrique, her partner Joel…or the improbable and irresistible Fabrício.
소개:Following a diamond tycoon's mysterious death, a cutthroat battle over his estate erupts between his heirs and the housekeeper their father recently married.
소개:Decadence and debauchery collide in this unscripted docu-drama following Lisa Vanderpump's hand-selected staff as they work, live, and play at an exclusive French estate: Chateau Rosabelle.
소개:가이에다 시로 함장을 포함, 승조원 76명이 승선한 일본 해상 자위대 잠수함이 미국의 핵잠수함과 충돌한다. 그러나 승조원은 사망하지 않았다. 사고가 난 잠수함은 일본과 미국 정부가 비밀리에 합작으로 건조한 핵잠수함 시배트함으로 사고는 승조원을 시배트함에 태우기 위한 은폐 공작이었다. 하지만 가이에다는 시배트함에 핵미사일을 적재한 채로 돌연 반란을 일으키고 도주한다.