소개:가봉의 로앙고 국립공원은 서부저지고릴라 무리의 서식지로, 고릴라들은 약 20년 동안 자신들을 연구해 온 생물학자들이 익숙하다. 이 다큐멘터리는 나이 많은 수컷 고릴라 카마야 가족을 가까이서 포착하고 새로 태어난 새끼 고릴라, 용감한 연구원, 둥근귀코끼리, 물소, 그리고 아프리카 열대 지역에서 마지막으로 남은 해안선의 모습을 보여준다.
소개:What lies beneath the ocean? World War Two left a great number of ships and submarines hidden beneath the waves. Now, as the oceans drain, each vessel reveals its secrets through new data-based 3D reconstructions. From the Arizona in Pearl Harbour’s shallows, whose destruction brought America into the war, to Nazi super ship the Bismarck and its mysterious end three miles down. From the flaming merchant ships secretly torpedoed by U-boats off tourist beaches of the USA, to the covert inventions of the Allies' costly D-Day beachhead, and lastly to the troopship Leopoldville sunk with the needless deaths of 400 soldiers. Drain The Ocean exposes the truth.
소개:Infamous disappearances of ships and aircrafts, stories of lives lost — they’re all part of the legend of the 500,000-square-mile expanse of the Atlantic Ocean known as the Bermuda Triangle. In this one-hour special, National Geographic Channel explores the area’s ominous reputation by draining the water from it to see what exactly lies below the surface of the mythical triangle. With the aid of data from sophisticated sonar surveys, see what the ocean floor looks like below the Bermuda Triangle. Witness what strange geological features will be revealed and whether they will shed light on the mysterious occurrences that have been documented within the boundaries of this area of ocean.