소개:1993년 가을, 전성기를 구가하던 마이클 조던은 스포츠계의 정상에 오르며 프로 농구를 떠났습니다. 1992년 드림팀을 올림픽 금메달로 이끌고 이듬해 불스를 NBA 3연속 우승으로 이끈 조던은 아버지의 살해로 충격에 빠졌습니다. 그의 인생에서 닻을 잃은 것이 세계에서 가장 유명한 운동 선수가 야구를 함으로써 어린 시절의 야망에 다시 불을 붙인 것입니까? 아니면 농구에서 더 이상 증명하거나 정복할 것이 없다고 느꼈나요? 아니면 더 깊고 아직 이해되지 않은 것?
소개:When the night of October 16, 2004 came to a merciful end, the Curse of the Bambino was alive and well. The vaunted Yankee lineup, led by A-Rod, Jeter, and Sheffield, had just extended their ALCS lead to three games to none, pounding out 19 runs against their hated rivals. The next night, in Game 4, the Yankees took a 4-3 lead into the bottom of the ninth inning, then turned the game over to Mariano Rivera, the best relief pitcher in postseason history, to secure yet another trip to the World Series. But after a walk and a hard-fought stolen base, the cold October winds of change began to blow. Over four consecutive days and nights, this unlikely group of Red Sox miraculously won four straight games to overcome the inevitability of their destiny. Major League Baseball Productions will produce a film in "real-time" that takes an in-depth look at the 96 hours that brought salvation to Red Sox Nation and made baseball history in the process.