소개:After the triumphant finale of Season 2, we return to Diddly Squat to find everything in turmoil. The council has shut the restaurant and the weather is ruining the crops. Desperate for new income streams Jeremy enters a world of pig breeding, goat attacks and mushroom mountains. Meanwhile Kaleb, promoted to farm manager, deals with an unwelcome rival. The funniest, most heartbreaking season yet.
소개:Another year in the life of Diddly Squat Farm, run by Jeremy Clarkson, Britain's best-known but least-qualified amateur farmer. In an effort to increase his annual profit (£144 last year) he's diversifying, in the shape of cows, more chickens and his own restaurant.
소개:영국에서 농부와는 가장 거리가 먼 제러미 클락슨과 강렬하고 고되지만 종종 큰 웃음을 주는 1년을 함께한다. 도움이 안 되는 날씨, 말 안 듣는 동물, 반응 없는 작물과 뜻밖의 팬데믹까지 상대해야 하는 제러미와 오합지졸 농부 군단. 지금까지 본 적 없는 제러미 클락슨을 만난다.